June 15, 2014 — the end will sound familiar.

Jaresiah J. Desrosiers
2 min readMay 22, 2020

the end will sound familiar.

Moon rise
Northern kingdom, fades away
Red sun
Reflections, directly point and persuade
Across the shifting score
Nothing changes, anymore
passing radiance
refraction, and shade

Red sun, faded
Moon rise over the southern shore
You’ve got a half hour, and not nothing more
To make right and undue
Over 1000 days of miss informed cues
Standing face to face with that cold giant
Walls you can’t climb but you sure are trying
gotta get there first.

But alienation is a journey alone.
And I’m looking at you from so far away
Locked up in the heart of my thoughts
Living through all the disdain,
Context replaced with out of reach mistakes
and these facts hate to see, that on this lone night
the moon will fit in the shadow of my hands.
Guarded, and weak.

She’s carried me away to a pale green place, where I see me played back without grace. Cringe and sigh, to see my stories reenact, from behind…



Jaresiah J. Desrosiers

Investor. Entrepreneur. Human. Curious Thinker. I write, sometimes.