:Life is a Mutual Understanding.


And it’s either fundamentally there or not; both are ok. It’s just a baseline of agreement. Understood thoughts & feelings much greater beyond words. Modus Operandi: to understand and be understood. You’ve got to want it. Foolish is the attempt to reason with the tongue; persuasion is the furthest from understanding.

:Life is a mutual understanding.

Because there’s not enough time in a day. Words and vocabulary fall insufficient to explain. Because you don’t always get the last word and your voice won’t always be heard. Because you never get to say what you wanted fully to explain. Meaning is important and intent is needed to fulfill the out of time unspoken.

:Life is a mutual understanding.

You won’t always get to do all that you wanted to do, get to go the places you needed to be, see the people you thought were important. But life is a mutual understanding between friends, and lovers, and family. And every so often those people are the same.

:Life is a mutual understanding.

And sometimes the most Holy decision is forward. . . And onto the next one. The abrasive push back will weather more your already chapped heart. But may peace be with me, I desire her so. Not an easy road, nor well travelled, but the certain and just exchange of peace.

:Life is a mutual understanding, and in the silence she speaks.



Jaresiah J. Desrosiers

Investor. Entrepreneur. Human. Curious Thinker. I write, sometimes.